Top Layer Skin Care

Lets Talk SPF

There are 3 types of UV Rays

SPF, UVA & UVB are hot topics as the weather begins to warm up. 

The two main types of ultraviolet radiation are UVA and UVB.  UVC is the third type of UV rays but it is absorbed by the oxygen in our atmosphere and never reaches us.  UVA is known for premature aging and UVB is known to causing burning, both types of ultraviolet radiation increase your risk of skin cancer.  We are exposed to ultraviolet radiation more often than you realize. 

Surprising times you are exposed to UVA & UVB

#1-Near a window

More than 50% of UVA can penetrate glass, so you may not be getting a tan while sitting in your car or at the office, you are being exposed to the rays that cause premature aging.  Even if you are not in direct light, you only need to be within several feet of the window.

#2- On a Cloudy Day

On rainy days, it’s a common misconception that you are not exposed to UVA and UVB when the sky is overcast.  This is not true, UV rays can penetrate through rain, fog and clouds. 

#3- In the Mountains

In this beautiful country we all enjoy a weekend getaway to the mountains, and some of us are lucky enough to live in the mountains.  However, the UV rays are more intense at higher elevation and its important to take preclusions.

#4-On a snow day

Reflective surfaces amplify UV, this includes snow.   Not only are these rays hitting you from above but they are reflecting off the surface back up to you from below.  Resulting in twice the exposure. Yes, you need to wear sunblock in the winter. 

Its Getting worse each year

We have been hearing about the breakdown of our ozone layer for years.  Yes, this is still a major problem.  Global production of ODS and CFC’s have continued to grow rapidly since the 1970’s. Our Ozone Layer is a natural filter for UVA and UVB. With the ozone layer being depleted its more important than ever to protect ourselves from these harmful rays. 

Who is at the highest risk?

Fair-skinned and fair-haired are at the highest risk for skin cancer and the unwanted effects of premature aging from UV rays.  They are not the only ones.  Young children are in the highest risk category as well as those in the northern hemisphere.   

What time of day is the highest risk?

As a general rule of thumb, the hours of 10am and 3pm are the highest risk time of day, but this time frame also changes throughout the year, with the summer months being as long as 6pm.  The difference for those of us in a northers hemisphere is the shifting length of our day.  

What locations are highest risk?

As discussed above, high elevation is always a risk, and the higher the elevation, the higher the risk.  So there is a high risk when in the mountains.  But what about those beautiful Lakes in British Columbia?  They are at lower elevation so its safe, right??  WRONG.  Dangerous UV rays can reach the body more than half a meter below the waterline.  The cooling affects of the water make it hard to identify if you are burning.  This includes the reflections off of snow, urban areas and the cement around a pool. 

How to protect yourself.

SPF, SPF is an acronym for Sun Protection Factor. It is clear that in this day and age we need to be using some form of SPF constantly to protect ourselves from the harmful rays of the sun and to compensate for the breakdown of the ozone layer.  We know this, its been force fed to us since we were kids.  But we walk into the store and we see all these products, terms, and ingredients.  

What should I be looking for?

SPF 30 is recommended by the Skin Cancer Foundation.  When it comes to living a healthy lifestyle and protecting your skin from the UVA and UVB rays, we also need to consider the function of our skin.  It is the largest organ of your body and it absorbs the products you put on it.  The face is several times more permeable than broad body surfaces.  So its important to pay attention to the products in our sunscreen.   Toxic Chemicals, preservatives and fragrances are harmful to our bodies, so choosing an Organic Broad Spectrum  SPF is important.

Sun-Screen vs Sun-Block

It is also important to understand that there is a difference between sunscreen and sun-block, as a general rule of thumb sunscreen is a chemical defense that is absorbed into the skin and a sunblock sits on top of the skin and acts as a barrier.

Its not enough to just recommend a couple products.  We need to look at the “WHY” involved in those recommendations.  So here is our list and WHY.

This sun-block hits our #1 spot for a few reasons.

#1 Tinted Protection

This BB cream packs a punch.  Protecting against external aggressions while concealing the imperfections of the complexion.

#2 Intense Moisture

Contains Organic Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, this ingredient moisturizes the epidermis at the Horny Layer (we didn’t name this layer) Rich in polysaccharides vitamins and minerals. This powerful ingredient also stimulates the growth of fibroblasts, increasing collagen production. 

Sodium Hyaluronate, another incredible ingredient that easily penetrates deep into the skin, optimizing skin hydration.  Promoting skin elasticity and has a powerful plumping effect that improves the appearance of wrinkles. 

#3 Anti-Aging Properties

I know the above ingredients also have anti-aging properties, but we felt it was important to point out one more incredible ingredient in this sun-block.

Acmella Oleracea, this amazing ingredient that has become one of the most sought after ingredients in the skin care world.  It is now available in this Top Layer™ sun-block.  Also known as topical Botox, this ingredient relaxes the facial muscles bringing immediate smoothing effects to expression lines.  Boosts moisture and protects against external aggressions, delaying the signs of aging. 

#4 All Natural Organic Sun Block

Zinc Oxide is a unique ingredient that effectively blocks all parts of the UV Spectrum, including both UVA and UVB.  It is also the perfect block for those with sensitive skin as this product is classified as a mineral sunblock and will not cause irritation. 

Titanium Dioxide is also found in this sun-block.  The zinc Oxide alone is enough to prevent UV damage to teh skin but Top Layer™ went the extra mile to ensure that this sun block had every organic protection available.   

If you are looking for the best Sun-Block on the market, a product that is anti-aging, doubles as a BB cream, deeply hydrates and Protects, then you have found the perfect product. 

Health Labels Organic